Hi @Cody_Ng,
i have an update for the python code , to ensure covering all docs related to batch no.
the new code will cover (Delivery Note, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice, Sales Invoice, Stock Entry, Stock Reconciliation).
If i am missing something , i appreciate telling me and i will update.
def get_items_without_has_batch_in_item_group(group, series):
if not group or not series:
return 0
counter = 0
for item in frappe.db.get_list('Item', filters={'item_group': group, 'has_batch_no': 0}, fields=['item_code', 'item_name'], order_by='item_code', as_list=False):
return counter
def set_item_batch_properities(item_code, series):
frappe.db.set_value('Item', item_code, {
'has_batch_no': 1,
'create_new_batch': 1,
'batch_number_series': series
def create_new_batch(item_code):
batch_no = frappe.get_doc(dict(
return batch_no
def update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, doctype):
for entry in frappe.db.get_list(doctype, filters={'item_code': item_code}, fields=['name'], order_by='name', as_list=False):
frappe.db.set_value(doctype , entry.name, {
'batch_no': batch_no
def update_transactions(item_code, batch_no):
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Delivery Note Item')
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Purchase Receipt Item')
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Purchase Invoice Item')
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Sales Invoice Item')
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Stock Entry Detail')
update_transaction_doc(item_code, batch_no, 'Stock Reconciliation Item')
def update_stock_ledger(item_code):
batch_no =''
size = len(frappe.db.get_list('Stock Ledger Entry', filters={'item_code': item_code}, fields=['name', 'actual_qty', 'qty_after_transaction', 'voucher_type', 'voucher_detail_no', 'voucher_no'], order_by='name', as_list=False))
if size > 0:
batch_no = create_new_batch(item_code)
for entry in frappe.db.get_list('Stock Ledger Entry', filters={'item_code': item_code}, fields=['name', 'actual_qty', 'qty_after_transaction', 'voucher_type', 'voucher_detail_no', 'voucher_no'], order_by='name', as_list=False):
frappe.db.set_value('Stock Ledger Entry', entry.name, {
'batch_no': batch_no
if entry.voucher_type == 'Stock Reconciliation':
srd = frappe.get_doc('Stock Reconciliation', entry.voucher_no)
if srd.purpose == 'Opening Stock' and entry.actual_qty == 0:
frappe.db.set_value('Stock Ledger Entry', entry.name, {
'actual_qty': entry.qty_after_transaction
update_transactions(item_code, batch_no)
def handle_convert_non_batch_to_has_batch(group, series):
if not group or not series:
return 0
counter = 0
size = len(frappe.db.get_list('Item', filters={'item_group': group, 'has_batch_no': 0}, fields=['item_code', 'item_name'], order_by='item_code', as_list=False))
for item in frappe.db.get_list('Item', filters={'item_group': group, 'has_batch_no': 0}, fields=['item_code', 'item_name'], order_by='item_code', as_list=False):
if counter > -1:
set_item_batch_properities(item.item_code, series)
progress = counter / size * 100
frappe.publish_progress(float(counter*100)/size, title = "Processing Items...")
return counter