Do we have facilities of adding watermark to invoices. Let’s say if it is printed more than once watermark as Copy. we can achieve this adding custom HTM field to invoices, tracking Access Log but how can we achieve this using custom app through python/js,hooks. If anyone has achieved this plz drop ur ideas. Thank You
Thanks for ur insight. This has already been done. I want to implement this in custom app instead of creating html field and writing it, if watermark could be from left button to top right it would be great as other ERP has.
Can we contribute this using PyPDF2 or any other methodology as this will be helpful for many people and would be new feature in ERPNext I guess. Thanks
Can we achieve this without creating custom invoices from custom app. Meaning it should be applicable for all the invoices whichever is there in the ERPNext.
I have created one custom field how can I make this fit to it from custom app without touching ERPNext GUI.