Announcing the launch of the Saudi Zatca-2 E-Invoicing app on FrappeCloud

I am facing this issue how to solve this E-Invoice is not generating while submitting the invoice

This is perfect response from zatca. No errors.

But Error in zatca invoice call

whats the error ?

You can see in the attachment there is no E-invoice attached on submitting

are you running other apps, bcs the QR code shown there is not from zatca_erpgulf. In that case remove that app.

Thanks for the support. It is now working fine

what was the issue, can you explain, it could help others.

Guys, As per new zatca guidlines, companies need to submit Sales invoice XML with with CR Number of respective branch .

How are you all handling branch info on invoice ?? Most of companies use cost-center as branch , any other methods you guys using ?

Please lets know.

@Ahmed_Moustafa2 @resourcefactor @rainoharvest @saud1 @sarib-app @IndieERP

yes we do handle the Branch invoice with cost center and warehouse mentioned in the line of each item and sales invoice. There are few CR where there is no commercial activities involved, we already informed ZATCA about it and waiting for their response. I will update here if there is any response to it.

Update: 1
As per new ZATCA guidline, you need to mention branch CR and Branch address on each invoice. If you are using centralized server, please use cost-center as branch , and use these options.

Updated Version:

Update: 2

As Ramadan approaches, the working hours of Saudi businesses change significantly. Many businesses need to adjust their background submission timing accordingly.

To accommodate this, we have included a time-setting feature for background submission to ZATCA , ensuring that servers remain unburdened during peak business hours .

Do we need to onboard the branch with CR no ?


Regarding ( Update: 1 mention branch CR and Branch address on each invoice)

Is this procedure mandatory?

Since I have 3 companies and not branches, and each company is separated in ERPNEXT into a separate company, and the companies share one tax number, but each company has a different commercial registration number.

For your information, these companies are branches of a commercial registration - this system will end in Saudi Arabia within two years in any case.

These companies are not considered a single tax group, as the concept of a tax group applies to holding and subsidiary companies or companies that have different tax numbers and belong to one owner who wants to include them in tax only.

Based on the previous information, should a cost center be created and linked to the commercial registration and cost center, or is the commercial registration number registered in the company’s information (since each company is separate in ERPNEXT) sufficient and will it be automatically approved for all invoices if each invoice is not linked to a cost center?

It is good for the system to work this way, as in most cases companies have only one branch and do not want to complicate the procedures, and may not want to use cost centers except for the company’s internal departments such as HR or the sales department to separate the costs of each department.

if you have only one branch under one company , untick this, to avoid complication. Otherwise use cost-center for each branch

As per zatca directive " When choosing the commercial register ID and there are multiple commercial registers, the supplier must enter the commercial register of the branch from which the tax invoice is issued. Therefore, all branches through which invoices are issued must be registered, and the correct entry of the commercial register ID field must be verified.

This is in violation of the provisions of the Electronic Invoicing Regulations, which are an integral part of the Executive Regulations of Value Added Tax. Accordingly, we hope that the necessary amendments will be made as soon as possible."

Please use your branch CR number for respective invoices . Please read this document


I noticed that the application opens a field for the name in Arabic that is different from the standard one

In both

Company DocType
Customer DocType

I recommend relying on the default value in the next update, so that we do not have to import and export data for the new field

And make some modifications, such as hiding the old field and modifying the printing form.

thanks. will check.


You have another Arabic name field because you already installed another app to create it. If we dont have have it on our app, new installations will not have any.
