Announcing the launch of the Saudi Zatca-2 E-Invoicing app on FrappeCloud

Perfect. No error and no warning in this message .

thank you for the response.

I have completed the validation check for all types of invoices. Now, I am encountering the following error while generating the final CSIDs.

Error in production: {"code":"Missing-ComplianceSteps","message":"The compliance certificate is not done with the following compliance steps yet [standard-credit-note-compliant,standard-debit-note-compliant,simplified-credit-note-compliant,simplified-debit-note-compliant]"}
Error in production CSID formation: Error in production: {"code":"Missing-ComplianceSteps","message":"The compliance certificate is not done with the following compliance steps yet [standard-credit-note-compliant,standard-debit-note-compliant,simplified-credit-note-compliant,simplified-debit-note-compliant]"}
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Thanks, this worked!

Can you just guide me on how you got this csr data btw ?

Missing-ComplianceSteps - means you didnt finish all compliance tests.
You need to select each one and do test .

Select one by one from above and do compliance tests. We have a video on yuotube on this . here

thank you for your response. I successfully integrated with Fatoora for my company. However, integrating for another company (same Tax ID, different CR number) on the same server is failing. I’m encountering the following error

Error: OTP is not valid. {"errors":[{"code":"Invalid-OTP","message":"The provided OTP is invalid"}]}
Error in creating CSID: Error: OTP is not valid. {"errors":[{"code":"Invalid-OTP","message":"The provided OTP is invalid"}]}

Currently i am trying to onborad on production , as i sucssfully onboarded on sandbox.
However when i reach to the invoice compliance check i get this errors :

What is the mistake here, note that the vat number is correct and CSR Configuration :
csr.serial.number=1-TST|2-TST|3-9ee27812-a2f5-a88d-58e8-3e35399c csr.organization.identifier=30///63700003مؤسسة ------لتجارية csr.invoice.type=1100
csr.location.address=حفر الباطن

this error in production and simulation as well, Please help as it is getting urgent .

Thanks in advance

If 11th digit of VAT number is 1 , then its a group-VAT , other wise single.
** if 11th digit of above vat-id is 1 then should be 10 digit TIN )**

Also, if there is multiple CRN on same VAT , try to change this to OTH on invoice.

in my situation, it seems single organization becasue the 11 th digit is not 1 , however there are multiple entities under same VAT.
i have the 700 number , can i use it in Zatca - Registration Number ?

These are legal things you need to clarify with an auditor or zatca-account-manager. Here we answer technical queries only .

Thank you for your answer, But i just wanted to understand what the error message means

Error from ZATCA API: {“validationResults”:{“infoMessages”:[{“type”:“INFO”,“code”:“XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,“category”:“XSD validation”,“message”:“Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,“status”:“PASS”}],“warningMessages”:[{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“certificate-issuer-name”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”},{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“invalid-signing-certificate”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”}],“errorMessages”:[{“type”:“ERROR”,“code”:“certificate-permissions”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“User only allowed to use the vat number that exists in the authentication certificate”,“status”:“ERROR”}],“status”:“ERROR”},“reportingStatus”:“NOT_REPORTED”,“clearanceStatus”:null,“qrSellertStatus”:null,“qrBuyertStatus”:null}

So i can explain to zatca-account manager our issue

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Inviting suggestion from all of you about how we can implement Advance payment on Sales Invoice in ERPNext , in accordance with Zatca regulations. Please submit your recommendations here , or we can have a zoom meeting.

You can read the newly released part of ZATCA documentation related to advance payment here. here


i’m also facing the same error with simulator. did you get any solution for this?

Whats the issue you are facing ?

While validating through Simulator and Simplified invoice complience giving the following error.

Error from ZATCA API: {“validationResults”:{“infoMessages”:[{“type”:“INFO”,“code”:“XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,“category”:“XSD validation”,“message”:“Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,“status”:“PASS”}],“warningMessages”:[{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“certificate-issuer-name”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”},{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“invalid-signing-certificate”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”}],“errorMessages”:[{“type”:“ERROR”,“code”:“certificate-permissions”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“User only allowed to use the vat number that exists in the authentication certificate”,“status”:“ERROR”}],“status”:“ERROR”},“reportingStatus”:“NOT_REPORTED”,

did you create CSR with Simulation ? Bcs sandbox or Produciton CSR will not work with Simulation

If you are facing mis-alignement in Version 14 ( V14 ERPNext ) , do the following .

Goto - custom fields.
One field Zatca settings (
select ID Company-custom_zatca_setting

set - after field “details”

If its after Dash Board , there is no dashboard in Version-14

Yes did it twice with simulation. even removed the complete data from company Zatca settings.

it’s still the same error

I have the same as will , correct me if i am wrong . during compliance checking for production and simulation ; the system send xml file with different VAT number ‘not my company VAT’ to Zatca so this message poped up. Correct ?

No. It dynamically send create XML with the data you provided in CSR. Send me your CSR to . lets check

I have ERPNext V15, when I fill all required fields in the setup wizard and click on Simplified Invoice button then I get the below-mentioned error. Any idea what is this issue or am I doing something wrong?

Note: I’m using Integration Type → Simulation

Error from ZATCA API: {“validationResults”:{“infoMessages”:[{“type”:“INFO”,“code”:“XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,“category”:“XSD validation”,“message”:“Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,“status”:“PASS”}],“warningMessages”:[{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“certificate-issuer-name”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”},{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“invalid-signing-certificate”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“X509Certificate (CCSID / PCSID) used for signing is not valid certificate (CCSID / PCSID) for this VAT Registration Number.”,“status”:“WARNING”}],“errorMessages”:[{“type”:“ERROR”,“code”:“certificate-permissions”,“category”:“CERTIFICATE_ERRORS”,“message”:“User only allowed to use the vat number that exists in the authentication certificate”,“status”:“ERROR”}],“status”:“ERROR”},“reportingStatus”:“NOT_REPORTED”,