Automatic creating Project Tasks from Sales Order only for service items

if I create project from sales order (Make button-Project), newly created project has inserted separate task for every single item from sales order. Is it possible to create these tasks only for services? Or in another words, to do not create tasks for material items (=item that has maintained stock). It doesn’t make sense to create task for every item we use in project, there can be hundreds of items for components we use in project, and only one or two items for service/installations works.
Another option is to do not create tasks from sales order items at all and enter them manually. Is it possible?

Not configurable for now. You can contribute standard feature, with the tag, create task, a check box field.

Thank you, would be nice if this could be implemented. It is similar to the issue I described in topic Disable automatic creating Material Request for service Items
Both issues are related to project workflow in companies dealing both with material and services.