Bench - Error: No such command "setup"

I’m tring to install a Let’s Encrypt cert on one of my sites using:

bench setup lets-encrypt

But I get the mentioned error.

hi there

You have to execute the cmd within the directory frappe-bench if your installation was done using easy-install scripts.

bench setup lets-encrypt site-name

I’m running erpnext using the docker images found on frappe/frappe_docker.git

Yes. I’m running the command(s) withing the frappe-bench directory in my container. But the error persists.

Perhaps @revant_one could advise?

Ive opened an issue on the frappe/frappe_docker.git repo.

I’ll repeat

Once again for this post,

Bench is not installed in production images. Bench is only available for docker development setup.

If we add bench to production docker images, each image will become 2GB+

For letsencrypt you need to use traefik or docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion or or any other proxy that can manage it.


We should include bench in the image.
There’s nothing wrong with large images.

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There is bench_helper in the image already. The frappe app part of the bench. you can use those commands.

The bench development environment is in frappe/bench image.

You can use this image ERPNext Docker Image as an alternative to Official ERPNext Docker Repo

Hi Revant,
I believe it would be helpful and clear if this could be mentioned in the official docs, otherwise I think people could get confused easily as “Large image size” not always comes first into mind.

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