Bench start ok, but dev website won't load, which ports to use?

tx for the suggestion that it has to do with port access
microsoft azure vm did a ‘good’ job to block all ports, and obscure the vm port settings so you never find out … :disappointed:
I will check that now.

@saurabh6790, I think the missing sites have to do with this mysql error:

  1. I installed erpnext many times, and error keeps coming up.
    Maybe the install script should test if mysql is installed or not, and then do the appropriate commands, instead of just giving an error and continuing with the script.
    I think this is a bug in the install script.

  2. Also I am not sure what is installed in the dev and prod environments. Are the same things installed. Is erpnext installed in dev, or only in prod?

I tested the port settings of microsoft azure vps hosting.
It seems that azure by default closes all ports except port 22 fr ssh
Thus opening ports 80, 8000 etc. solved the ports issue.

I was not able to setup the dev environment because of the mysql error mentioned before.
Installing the prod environment went without errors, and I can access it.

@pee we will check develop script again and fixed it. Apologies for trouble.

Please share your system configurations, this helps us to reproduce the issue.

Thank you .

@saurabh6790 tx for your support.
what files or other info do you need from me?

Thanks @saurabh6790

  1. what is fixed in the dev script?
  2. Also I am not sure what is installed in the dev and prod environments. Are the same things installed. Is erpnext installed in dev, or only in prod?