please help me when i want to login from app i get this error
[log] isLoggedI: Instance of ‘LoginResponse’
[log] isLoggedIn: type ‘(dynamic) => Null’ is not a subtype of type ‘(String, dynamic) => void’ of ‘f’
Hi there, great news! Glad to hear there’s an official development for integrating frappe with mobile apps.
It would be nice if it is well documented, not just to use as an “ERP”, but also to be able to create any purpose app and integrate the data with Frappe as Backend.
Would be great to have some basic examples, explaining how to integrate your apps with Frappe Technologies as backend.
The screenshots looks nice, nice work and awesome feature! Thanks team
If any estimated roadmap can be share would be great to know.
Kind regards
Hi @sumitbhanushali thank you for this and such a great work by frappe and erpnext great thing to look forward to… anyway upon using the mobile app there are some function that are not working and that is expected since this is a first beta release. just to share with. here is the list of the function that seems not working.
Attachment does not work.
No delete function
What is the maximum Que list ? upon testing. it seems i got problem when i have 100 que on my lists. and no data is automatically fetched aft 30 minutes. even im having a good Wi-Fi connection.
When editing items or employee and save. it says “Expectation Failed”
Item enable or disabled function is not changing status.
let me know if this issue has been checked or fixed already…
anyways on part of item list i was working to put image beside item list name.
Thank you again for having such a nice opensource system. God Bless.
You have to add access rights to the app in the android app’s settings to use storage. Then attachment will work.
Thanks for the feedback, I will look into it and fix accordingly.
Also you can use Issue Tracker to raise issues for the app.
Hi, it has been allowed but it seems not working.
for those who were facing issues with login, I have merged the temporary fix in PR.
Now you can test this app on latest stable version of frappe
Still can’t login. I’ve downloaded the apk again. I’m using android.
thanks for the effort!!
I did it. Version 1.0.0, but I couldn’t login.
It’s great. Customization and custom app do not work. Any pointer to incorporate
can we track user real time locaiton in this app ?
any know if app work because we try but not work. i have the last version 13.2.
I tried the app and it is working with the latest version… 13.2.
Why does custom fields and other customizations not reflecting into the app?
can you provide logs if possible, also there is known issue of “login failed” if user language is not set to english.
empty fields are hidden in read only mode of form view, can you check presence of custom fields in edit mode.
I m not able to run it in my sdk(the github file),please help me there is some dependency issues
It is really difficult to support scripts on mobile I believe.