It’s not immaterial when you’re adding landed costs like $100 to a $500 worth of goods…
It’s quite material when the additional $100 goes to Stock Adjustment account rather than Cost of Goods Sold.
As you like. You might look back at Nabin’s explanation of the immutable ledger will work, though, because as things stand it appears you are misinterpreting what the changes will actually entail vis-a-vis the mutability of vouchers.
Trust you’re doing good. Any updates so far? Currently, it looks like some kind of limbo state cos we need to sort this out before we can put it to any serious use. The current issues with immutable ledgers make it a no-no in most cases so we’re hoping that the option of using the old system (with some enhancements) is made available in the next beta release. At least we are familiar with that system and we can immediately begin working with that in less-critical environments
As you know, the real major testing only comes in production use and so far, this is the only thing holding us back
As always, thanks to you and the entire team for the awesome work done so far
Hello @nabinhait!
First of all, Thanks for your hard work and noteworthy efforts to make an amazing system for everyone.
I am stuck in the data import process after working on the new implementation for the last few months, we have updated to v13 and realized that it no longer supports backdated postings. Now you know; it is very hard to rollback. We in-house implementing ERPNext in our Enterprise Level Company. But Frankly speaking, we are still not ready for the immutable ledger.
As you said
Can I ask you for an update, what’s the overall progress? because, it will help us to rethink the current implementation plan.
Inventory is without doubt the most complex aspect of any ERP. It would be good if you can resolve the issues with recalc/valuation of inventory.
a. For computational ease - we can run recalculation of inventory as a batch.
b. There is no alternative but to allow for such revaluations however - inventory is messy and as such there are numerous situations where we need to back post.
As I said earlier, that we are using erpnext v13 beta 6 version. There is no option to allow the back-dated entry for any of the documents like Delivery notes, Sales Invoices, etc.
How can we disable or enable the immutable ledger.
Please assist for this issue?
As @nabinhait said earlier, “The back-dated stock transactions are now allowed in version-13-beta-7 and develop branch”
You may update to the version(s) that allow back-dated stock transactions