Calculate Total from Several Sub Total

Hello all,

I made an audit form which consist of several sub total number. There is 5 sub total item and I want to calculate all 5 sub total into a TOTAL. How can I make this happens? I tried googling and made this code below but it was not functioned:

frappe.ui.form.on(“Audit 5S”, “sub_total”, function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
var sub_total = frm.doc.audit_5s;
var total = 0
for(var i in sub_total) {
total = total + sub_total_1 + sub_total_2 + sub_total_3 + sub_total_4 + sub_total_5



Below is the screenshot of the doctype:

I am completely noobs in coding…

Kindly your help…

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Hi I think you should use Child table instead see Calculation in Child Table. But anyway, you can continue what you have started. I’m wondering why you have a for loop in your block

for(var i in sub_total) {
total = total + sub_total_1 + sub_total_2 + sub_total_3 + sub_total_4 + sub_total_5

I think it should be

total = frm.doc.sub_total_1 + frm.doc.sub_total_2 + frm.doc.sub_total_3 + frm.doc.sub_total_4 + frm.doc.sub_total_5

Assuming that sub_total_1 to sub_total_5 has values, I think the following code should work. :slight_smile:
Btw, “validate” on the frappe.ui.form.on is the form trigger that occurs when the user saves the document. So this code snippet executes once you save the document.

frappe.ui.form.on("Audit 5S", "validate", function (frm){
	var subtotal1 = frm.doc.sub_total_1;
	var subtotal2 = frm.doc.sub_total_2;
	var subtotal3 = frm.doc.sub_total_3;
	var subtotal4 = frm.doc.sub_total_4;
	var subtotal5 = frm.doc.sub_total_5;

	var total = subtotal1+subtotal2+subtotal3+subtotal4+subtotal5;
	frappe.model.set_value(frm.doctype, frm.docname, "total", total);

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Tried this one but it’s not working…


Thank you.


Hello @cyberdee

Can you post your code so that we can also check the syntax?

By the way, just wondering on if the subtotals are stored in a Child Table Document or if they’re in the Main/Parent doctype. It would help if you could specify if which document is the parent document and which one is the child table document.



here you goes…

frappe.ui.form.on(“Audit 5S”, “validate”, function (frm){
var subtotal1 = frm.doc.sub_total_1;
var subtotal2 = frm.doc.sub_total_2;
var subtotal3 = frm.doc.sub_total_3;
var subtotal4 = frm.doc.sub_total_4;
var subtotal5 = frm.doc.sub_total_5;