Call Server Script Function from Print Format

  • I created a Custom Print Format for a Custom Doctype in a custom app.

  • I created a server script in apps/my_app/my_app/ with a funcion my_function(docname) which returns a list of dictionaries

  • I added in of my_app:

jinja = {

    "methods": "my_app.my_server_script"
  • I call the function in my custom print format jinja as {{ my_function( }}

  • I get the error: “Error in Print Format on line 43: ‘my_function’ is undefined”

Any help is greatly appreciated

ERPNext: v14.35.0 (version-14)

Frappe Framework: v14.45.0 (version-14)

Frappe HR: v14.10.1 (version-14)

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You need to specify the path upto the method name. Jinja hooks can only map to functions within a file and not a file as a whole.

Thanks for your answer, but even after the correction and a bench restart, it is still undefined…

Check it out if you haven’t seen it.

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Hi @NCP.

I read it very carefully but the method is still undefined.

In optica/jinja/

def group_lenses_by_opcion(lens_data):

In optica/

jinja = {
    "methods": [

In Custom Print Format:

<div>{{ group_lenses_by_opcion(doc.lentes_recomendados) }}</div>
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The Documentation on Hooks reads:

If the path is a module path, all the methods in that module will be added.

So the error shouldn’t be in that direction…

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Can someone verify my configuration? I would like not to spend days searching for a wrong comma
