Can anyone explain to me in detail how to push the Code to Bit Bucket?

Can anyone explain to me in detail how to push the version 14 code to Bitbucket? Please explain it step by step.

If you already have your custom app and Git repo set up, and you’ve added the remote URL to your local setup, then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your custom app directory:

    cd apps/custom_app
  2. Stage your changes:
    To add all the modified files, use:

    git add .
  3. Commit your changes with a message:

    git commit -m "Your commit message here"
  4. Push your changes to Bitbucket:

    git push origin branch_name

Make sure to replace branch_name with the name of your branch

Thanks. let me you have any documentation to refer.this will include all custom changes?

If you have exported custom changes in your app, it will also push those custom changes. Could you share some examples of the custom changes you have, such as doctype changes, or if you have any fixtures to export?

i mean the custom fields .yes i have fixtures to export

Does this include the fixtures?

If you have exported fixtures, then they will be included. If you haven’t exported them, then export them.

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