Can we control the visibility of documents based on the workflow state in the list of documents

I have a doctype with 3 workflow states namely Draft, Submitted, Approved. Also I have 3 level of users named user1, user2, user3. I want to control the visibility of the documents in the doctype list based on the current workflow state as user1 can see only draft & approved documents, user2 can see only Submitted documents and user3 only approved documents. I was able to achieve this in the list with client side script manipulating the filters. But this can be overridden by the user by clearing the filters. In form view also I was able to achieve this.

Is there a solution for this in frape framework level

Hi @anish-cv:

User server script (permission type) or custom permission query (hooks)

Check this …

Hope this helps.

What could be the reason for get_permission_query_conditions not getting invoked in the class. Do we need to specify it in for a new Doc Type

Hi @anish-cv:

Use to set which method will manage permissions for your doctype.

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I am still picking up the basics of the Frappe Framework. Pardon me if I misunderstood OP’s question.

As per the documentation permission_query_conditions hook will only affect the result of frappe.db.get_list method and not frappe.db.get_all

If this is the case, is it not better to use has_permission hook?

Thank You!

Hi @omkar.deekonda:

frappe.db.get_all should be used under “controlled” circumstances from backend…
Desk (Frappe interface) always check permission system.

I’d recommend to use role permission as much you can do it … it’s really easy manage visibility for different user “levels”. In addition, framework provide even more tools: user permission (specific access to particular documents), permission levels for fields, etc …

Anyway, every use case would be different …
Hope this helps.

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I am trying to control the visibility of the list of of documents shown in the Desk.

Still no effect. It has both get_permission_query_conditions and has_permission. has_permission executes for form level access even without hooks. But even with hooks get_permission_query_conditions is not getting invoked by the platform.

My code is below

def get_permission_query_conditions(user):
	if not user:
		user = frappe.session.user

	roles = frappe.get_roles(user)
	conditions = ""

	if "Head Level User" in roles:
		conditions = " workflow_state IN ('Technical Verified', 'Verified by SO')"
	elif "Tech Manager" in roles:
		conditions = " workflow_state = 'Submitted'"
		# Regular users can only see their own documents
		conditions = f" owner = '{user}'"
	return " and".conditions

def has_permission(doc, ptype):
	user = frappe.session.user
	roles = frappe.get_roles(user)

	if "Head Level User" in roles:
		return doc.workflow_state in ['Technical Verified', 'Verified by SO']

	elif "Tech Manager" in roles:
		return doc.workflow_state == 'Submitted'
		return doc.owner == user

Hi @anish-cv:


[quote=“anish-cv, post:8, topic:131699”]

	return " and".conditions

This is invalid … are you trying to use .join

yes the code was json.modified but still no effect

def get_permission_query_conditions(user):
	if not user:
		user = frappe.session.user

	roles = frappe.get_roles(user)
	conditions = []

	if "Head Level User" in roles:
		conditions.append("workflow_state IN ('Technical Verified', 'Verified by SO')")
	elif "Tech Manager" in roles:
		conditions.append(" workflow_state = 'Submitted'")
			# Regular users can only see their own documents
		conditions.append(f" owner = '{user}'")
	return " and ".join(conditions)

Hi @anish-cv:

Are you logged as ‘Administrator’ ?
Note that has_permission check will be bypassed in that case.

No I am trying with a Tech Manager level user.

Hi @anish-cv:

It’s working well on my side, both listview and document access… can you share section for permissions? Any errors on error log or browser console? I assume you are working under development environment … are you tried to debug with print or breakpoint?

The issue was with the declaration. The solution worked