In method it should be g1.g1.plan_management.doctype.participant_funding.participant_funding.servicedefiner
Changed it, still the same
You are gain passing self in servicedefiner remove it and then try
Can you share screenshot of error
Um, there’s no error exactly, nothing is showing up in the error log either. It’s just not populating the child table
You haven’t imported frappe
In py file
How do I do that? I just made changes to the default .py file of the doctype
import frappe
Type in below line 7
Sure, ill message you the details
Issue is with path in js method
Can’t we skip calling the server method and use an API call instead? Like this code snippet :{
doctype:"Invoice PM",
filters: [
["participant","=", frm.doc.participant]
fields: ["parent"],
parent: "Participant"
callback: function (response) {
/* I cant figure out this part */
Then you can use
if (response.message) { var row; for (row in response.message){ var childTable = frm.add_child("Child Table Name"); childTable.'DOC-FIELDNAME' =response.message[row]['FieldName']; } frm.refresh_fields("Child Table Name");
This adds nothing to the childtable. Here’s my code:{
doctype:"Invoice PM",
filters: [
["participant","=", frm.doc.participant]
fields: ["parent"],
parent: "Participant"
callback: function (response) {
if (response.message) {
var row;
for (row in response.message){
var childTable = frm.add_child("Invoices");
childTable.invoice =response.message[row]['docname'];
Here’s the console :
why ‘docname’ it should be field name like participant or total
Okay so docname is a field which contains the document name (which I want to insert into the invoice (link field) of the child table). docname is the document name for Invoice PM Doctype