Confuguring connection issue in Customer Doctype

Please check the reference:

also check, how it works.

it works fines as per requirement but when i create custom app then create folder with customer name and then file add the same code add a overide dashboard hook
override_doctype_dashboards = {
# “Task”: “gate_pass.task.get_dashboard_data”
“Customer”: “gate_pass.gate_pass.doctype.customer.customer_dashboard.get_data”
and finally got this error

All things runs well if i use defauth when working with custom app then issue raised

If doctype is new then why are you overriding the existing dashboard in the new doctype. you have to make a new dashboard without overriding.

Actually there is a new app basically i am customizing the customer doctype because i want to upload this app to frappe cloud due to that i want to do that so i created a folder with customer and create file with the same name which are by default and this file basically i am customizing the doctype.

No idea, what you want, but if you want to override any existing dashboard in the custom app then please check the hrms dashboard.

Thanks done