Confused on which project to use

I’ve just come across erpnext and all of what it can do as well as being customisable by other modules. It looks great!

But then I came across Helpdesk, Books, HRMS, CRM, Wiki… etc.

Now I see erpnext has “support” built in… but is it as good as Helpdesk?
Same for books…
Same for HRMS…

There are parts of erpnext that aren’t replicated elsewhere such as asset tracking… so… my question is… what should I be using? I want to move my invoicing, my accounting (including UK vat), project management, support and HR all over to the Frappe group of solutions but its extremely confusing what I should be using. Its easy to say “just use erpnext, it includes everything” but I cansee from screenshots there are definite UI improvements in helpdesk for example…

Can someone please help me on what I should use and what works well together? Does putting a company or contact into “CRM” then make it available to “Books” ? If it doesn’t then is that where erpnext wins but are the modules in erpnext lesser than these separate apps?

I’ve tried to figure it out on my own by reading docs and watching Frappe School videos… but I can’t work out which is the right direction to move in.

Hi @danjenkins:

Apps like Helpdesk, CRM, etc … are independent from ERPNext.

For example, CRM let’s you manage leads, deals, contacts, etc … in a simpler (and well designed) way that ERPNext CRM module does but … it’s not integrated with the whole ERP flow (quotations, customers, etc …), maybe you don’t need that. If you are just looking for CRM … why fighting with the ERPNext “monster”? This is also applicable for Helpdesk.

HRMS is a module for ERPNext (no conflicts)

Books is an simple “alternative” to ERPNext for offline invoicing, accounting, etc … no conflicts.

Wiki is just an tool for documentation, is compatible with ERPNext too.

Check this post (and the whole thread)

Hope this helps and welcome!