Dependent Dropdown in Form

Hi All,

I am trying to create a dependent dropdown list in HD Ticket form. Based on the Department selection, Discipline values to be displayed. I tried but not able to achieve it. Pease find the below details.

HD Ticket form

HD Ticket Doctype

Department Doctype (Discipline is linked as a child table)

Department Creation form

Department child doctype

Thanks in Advance!!!

Try using Dynamic Link for dropdown options and scripting for retrieving information from the child table.

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eval: doc.department==“Information Technologies”

write this line in the Discipline field under
Depends On

Hi Bradley,

Thanks. i tried and it is not working. Please find below and get this error.


Hi Shubham,
I want it to be dynamically. based on my department selection, respective discipline to be listed out.

Hi All,

Can anyone help on this.

You can check state field in Address doctype, which is updated by India Compliance App. It uses Autocomplete for setting dynamic values in State field based on the Country selected.

You can check the code here- India Compliance GitHub

You can check This simple method if it works for you.