Design Feedback

A big hello to everyone from the design team at Frappe.

Our goal, as the deisgn team, is to continually improve the user experience of all our products (ERPNext and FrappeFramework) and make them an absolute delight to use. So, from today, we’re starting a series of quarterly design feedback where we hear from you, our users.

If you have any feedback that will help us make ERPNext a better product, do fill out the design feedback form. Here, you can tell us about visual design, interaction, usability, accessibility, or any other design issues you’re facing. The form allows you to pick a product and a specific module, to help us prioritise your feedback. We’ll keep the form active for a couple of weeks to allow larger participation, and at the end of two weeks, the frappe team will finalise and prioritise some issues to work on. We will keep everyone in the community posted on improvements we make and push to the product.

Here’s what a sample feedback could look like,

Do keep in mind to not use this form for sending support requests or give us feedback about development bugs/issues, that will create a lot of confusion and some legitimate design feedback might get lost in the process.

Our goal is to be the best ERP product in the market, we are making significant strides and improving our product on a daily basis, and we’re extremely excited to have you in the mix as well. Looking forward to see what everyone in this community has to say. :slight_smile:


encouraging initiative :relaxed:

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Fantastic initiative.

Maybe have a spot on the ERPNext website where non-technical users can conveniently find all of these really great initiatives such as this and the initiative by Revant



Hi @EugeneP,

Thanks for reaching out and giving us your feedback. I had a request though, could you add your feedback to the design feedback form? This would make it easier for us to review and prioritise.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Thanks @Saumyaseelan_Pv, looking forward to your feedback :slight_smile:

Done, and once again thanks for a great initiative.


Thanks @EugeneP, appreciate it :slight_smile:

Thanks for listening even more guys. The community will really benefit from this positive attitude!

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Nice one. Form filled.

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Me too filled form, how to follow my form? even not sure submitted or not

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Hi @nmami, apologies for the late response.

We don’t have any functionality that would allow you to track your request. You could message me personally about what your response was and I can tell you if it’s been recorded.

To reiterate, the way this design feedback works is, we’re going to keep the form open for a couple of weeks and allow people to reply. After two weeks, since we may not be able to pick up every issue and problem mentioned, the design team will do round of discussions and pick a few problems to work on.

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Seems fair.