Dropbox error in V7.1.1


@mayar it’s 57.2 MB.

Please check your upload speed of your server, or increase the timeout on your common_site_config.json. file.

I’m getting error from last 4 days can you take a look on it:
version details:
ERPNext: v7.1.21
Frappe Framework: v7.1.22

{'retry': 0, 'log': <function log at 0x7fddd1ba5410>, 'site': u'production', 'event': None, 'method_name': u'frappe.integrations.doctype.dropbox_settings.dropbox_settings.take_backup_to_dropbox', 'method': <function take_backup_to_dropbox at 0x7fddd1bbacf8>, 'user': u'Administrator', 'kwargs': {}, 'async': True, 'job_name': u'frappe.integrations.doctype.dropbox_settings.dropbox_settings.take_backup_to_dropbox'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/background_jobs.py", line 61, in execute_job
  File "/home/ubuntu/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/integrations/doctype/dropbox_settings/dropbox_settings.py", line 178, in take_backup_to_dropbox
  File "/home/ubuntu/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py", line 230, in errprint
    print cstr(msg)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-4: ordinal not in range(128)

Hi all,

Also having issues with dropbox. Fresh install, debian 8: This is in my console when I click either save or allow access

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)
desk#Form/Dropbox%20Settings/Dropbox%20Settings:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0(…)


@saurabh6790 Any update?

Hey everyone! I fixed the dropbox issue on my end, and figured i’d pass along what I tried as it could be affecting some of you. I have installed uBlock which wasn’t allowing dropbox and ERPNext to connect. I disabled it on my ERP install, reloaded and tried to connect again and voila! Had to allow the popup in chrome but the connection was made. Totally forgot about this plugin being an issue.

Good luck!