We have within /etc/localtime UTC and within "System Settings “Berlin/Europe”.
What is also interesting, especially comparing the scopes within the tokens from @Jecintha and @avc is, that @avc you also don’t have the “offline_access” added there, only in the connected app scopes.
In case of containers set environment variable TZ to the timezone. e.g. TZ=Berlin/Europe.
For frappecloud you may need to contact frappecloud support.
Ideally I’d set the system time and frappe system settings to UTC and local time for every User. It means not set system time at all, most systems use UTC as default. Set “System Settings” to UTC instead of local timezone. (During setup wizard). User can then set their own timezones from their settings.
Or set all timezones ($TZ, “System Settings”, “User”) to same timezone if there is no need for multiple timezones.
Hi, i have a little diferent problem.
im using a shared email addres, so, i can get emails whithout problem but i cant send, when i select enable send mail i get this error: