Email not be checked at all

First of all, thanks for that great piece of software!

We are using erpnext since a couple of years more or less, without any bit issues.

Beginning of April, our Company changed exchange server, and erpnext’s IMAP sync isn’t working anymore.

Question from our Exchange admin, is you software supporting MS exchange? No? change the software! => he is kidding.

Therefore I decided to use local IMAP server. Fetchmail is collecting Mails from Exchange with IMAP (yes this is working…)

and provides the email to a local user, with thunderbird I am able to see this mails.

Next step: erpnext!

I am creating a new email Domain with localhost as incoming server, during this step, I am getting an entry in my

Server mail.log with connection test from erpnext. So erpnext I trying to connect.

Second step creating an email account with settings from local server, then I switch to email inbox, but nothing happens.

No Email, no message in server log file, nothing…

are there any logs I could check for email settings in erpnext?


update with versions:

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v12.7.0 (version-12)

Frappe Framework: v12.5.0 (version-12)

No Idea anyone?


Confirm your Scheduler is running (to pull and push emails in the queue):

frappe@ubuntu1804lts:~/frappe-bench$ bench doctor
-----Checking scheduler status-----
Workers online: 3
-----site1.local Jobs-----

Here’s what to check for in the logs Email and Https - #18 by clarkej


sorry for late response, did not had time to go further on this problem.
I checked with your commands, but no output from log. is there any debug setting to enter bevore?

frappe@autlvfil01:~/frappe-bench$ find . -name *.log | xargs grep
frappe@autlvfil01:~/frappe-bench$ find . -name *.log | xargs grep
frappe@autlvfil01:~/frappe-bench$ bench doctor
-----Checking scheduler status-----
Workers online: 3
-----erp.local Jobs-----

sending of Emails is working well, only getting emails is not working at all.


To discover the issue, probably redo the settings as per the docs for inbound IMAP setup.

As a test you might also connect with another email provider like

You may want to search the forum for Exchange tips.

hope this helps