Email Queue not sending

Emails are scheduled in email queue but its not sending.
If we select a job and click send now it works fine.

bench enable-scheduler shows enabled.
bench doctor shows
-----Checking scheduler status-----
Scheduler paused for sitex
Scheduler inactive for sitex
Workers online: 3
-----sitex Jobs-----

Any solutions?

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Hi @parth_agrawal,

have you checked this: V11 can't suspend nor resume email queue - #6 by Himanshu_Mishra

If all fails, this is a bulletproof workaround :wink: V11 can't suspend nor resume email queue - #10 by lasalesi

Thanks for the reply.

I want a permanent working solution.
It works but this makes no sense everytime we need to run this script.

Is there anyway we can automate execution of this script everytime there are emails in queue?

Tried this and working well.

Add this into common_site_config.json file
now mail will be sent in every one-minute interval


Thank you so much. This did the job.

how can we do for frappe cloud??

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