ERPNext Production v15.0.0 ova download link

Thanks For The Reply I want Actual “Root” User Password

did you get it ? i want it to be able to access the database


These are the credentials.

Ubuntu Login : frappe
Password : frappe
mySQL : frappe

Otherwise you can modify password of frappe user via

sudo passwd frappe


sudo passwd root

What’s a hash of the file?

Without a hash, nobody can check if google and all the internet tubists transmit the image correctly. Anything could happen to it while in transit.

HASH file available in the respective folder.

You mean, on google drive? Well, indeed.

What I meant was, why not include a hash in the postings here in the forum?
That would be frappe devs/users sharing on frappe means the means to verify the transmissions from and to each other.

My suggestion would be to make this a habit and to not totally rely on third parties who got into the loop for something as essential as code or production images.
Another way would be to roll out a net of known keys of contributing people, via some kind of frappe PKI system.

Checking end-to-end seems useless as long as everything is fine. But the day it isn’t, there may be regrets, and, more importantly, can the problem be recovered in a situation of dependency on third parties behaving like monopolies? It’s like giving away unchecked power.

@hafiz4saqib How can I set the static IP Address.
For ex, I Installed the version15 ova file and I start the virtual machine in 1 Network and and then I try to connect another Internet means, i cannot able to access the web intance.

@hafiz4saqib Is there is any way to do this?

Answer is YES!
But some popular ways are here.

1:- NGROK [Easiest Way]
2:- Install ERPNext on Linux PC and use Port forwarding with STATIC IP.
3:- AMAZONE EC2 Instances [AWS Free Tier]

GOOGLE will always there in your service.

@hafiz4saqib Thank you for your Information,.
I will try this…

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