Agree with @Not_a_countant about a lot of ideas and low execution from community. Also @Basawaraj_Savalagi is right when he says that the community needs to do it, since the speed with which erpnext is updating and growing will make any tutorial quite redundant in about 6 months time.
I’ve myself been contemplating about contributing a guide about small shortcuts, steps, etc. but never got to do it. This reminded me about the philosophy behind kaizen - Small improvements everyday.
So if I take out 2 minutes everyday to write about steps I took to achieve a simple task today would eventually lead to a very solid documentation guide. Only if there were some place to quickly note it down and share.
How about starting with a baby step of a wiki based documentation?
There could be 2 major sections -
- Implementation and technical - Steps to develop, models, updates related to the doctypes, troubleshooting, related custom scripts, gists, etc.
- End User workflow
A hierarchical wikipedia like submission, approval approach can be done. We could always include photos, gifs and videos under those sections too.
For a new user it would be a very structured tutorial including everything to read about and video snippets. This would be a great archive to find everything related to the module section, for everyone else.