Error while printing multiple documents

After printing several pages, I didn’t get a screen or a tab to show multiple documents in one pdf and the nice thing is that the rq jobs list indicates a completed status.

Is there anyway I can download the PDF file which was created by me.

I’m using these version on my server:
frappe 15.26.0 version-15
erpnext 15.21.2
hrms 15.14.2 version-15
wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)

We tested it in the frappe cloud and also test it in the locally.


I got an error while running a command of supervisorctl status.

frappe-bench-web:frappe-bench-node-socketio FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)

Read the whole thread: Printing multi docs not working - #10 by ankush

you can download the PDF file for objects which are created by you by applying filters created_by and selecting list.

I have read and tested the ankush suggestion but luckily it shows a message of BACKOFF and then start giving us message of Fatal.

What I found my node path isn’t set at first but now I have changed the path with command
which node

and set it up in the supervisor.conf

Any update @NCP

I tested it locally and on Frappe Cloud, and it worked fine.

I am providing the thread, which may be helpful for you.

The issue has been resolved, as setting up node path.

Steps which I followed during troubleshooting:

which node
cd /usr/bin/
mv node /home/ – any directory you wanna move
ln -s home/{USER}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.20.2/bin/node /usr/bin/node

supervisorctl restart all