Feature Comparison of erpNext


I am an MBA intern in a small manufacturing company and have been given the task to collect different open source ERP and their features and feasibility study to implement in our organization.

I do have previous work ex in SAP but it was quite long back.
Any one has done any study on features of erpNEXT with other open source ERP.
I am ready to pay few $s to have a document on this.

I started from a wikipedia list and now have sorted 5 ERPs for my paper.

  1. Adempiere
  2. Erp next
  3. Ino erp
  4. open bravo
  5. Oddo

Oddo looked nice but does not much feature. Ino ERP and Adempiere have good features but not much community / documentation. Open Bravo is pretty expensive.

erp NEXT looks cool and seems to have a good community. Documentations are excellent. The UI looks pretty good.
Now, what I am looking for is an extensive paper showing each and every feature available in these 5 products
Ex :
Area : Supply Chain
Module : Purchasing
Document : Purchase Order
Supplier Information - Y Y Y N N
Item Information - Y N N Y Y
Module : Purchasing
Document : Requistion
Supplier Information - Y Y Y N N
Item Information - Y N N Y Y

Module : Sales
Document : Sales Order
Customer Information - Y Y Y N N
Item Information - Y N N Y Y
Price from Price List

Area : Finance

Any documentations, links, suggestions are welcome!!!

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Nice to here that you are ready to pay…

We have experience in Opentaps ERP (which is fork of OFBiz ERP) and Open ERP.
We have evaluated some Open Source ERP and then finally we are here.

You can see ERPNext vs Opentaps comparison here https://blog.frappe.io/blog/open-source/opentaps-vs-erpnext

Forum post, that will help you to make Features Comparison Documents.

Please share your documentation when you complete, it will help a lot who is searching for good Open Source ERP.

Thanks…Looks a good article.I 'll read it
I plan to do in an excel format with ERP names in the column and features in the row.
I 'll put the excel at a place where any one can update the details

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Lots of people will be interested in such a comparison.

@Inquiry_gbowen you can create a public Google Spreadsheet so everyone can edit.

Hi Inquiry, was your comparison document published anywhere?