(Fetch Value) works only once, dos not sync with the original value

What I am expecting and want to achieve is that on every form load, the value must be in sync with what is on the source doctype. It works only once, while selecting the document, but never sees any updates.

  1. DocType 1: Security Approval, acts as the source, controller field: status
  2. DocType 2: Field Visit, act as the consumer, selects Security Approval Document ID then checks for status

If I saved Field Visit when it has Status == Pending, then changed Security Approval.Status == Approved, and reloaded Feidl Visit, I expect the status to show Approved. However, it sticks to Pending Approval which was the value when the Field VIsit originally saved.

Is this the normal, expected behavior? If yes, I’ll have to work on my way to keep the values in sync

  • Same behavior with (Fetch on Save if Empty) checked and unchecked. Nothing changed.
  • I thought if the field was virtual, and did not get stored on the Field Visit, then it’s forced to be checked every time, but surprisingly, same behavior again. (do I have to migrate for this change?).

Please advise!

Seems someone recently had a similar issue, and a solution:

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Understand about the bottle neck. But I still think there should be option to select (may on at the DocType’s fetch field leve), whether to auto update or not.

I understand that in some case, it must be updated to maintain data correctness.

In other case, it should not updated, i.e., Customer’s (old) Address on the already completed Sales Order.

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