Fetching of batch no automatically

i have made a custom button for fetch batch no and source warehouse automatically when i made stock entry againt material transfer. so while clicking the button how to fetch the batch no automatically by using python script


Please check this Frappe Ajax Call.

And set value in js file check this Form Actions through custom Button - #2 by NCP.

yes i created button and i can able to get the batch details like batch qty but i cant able to fetch the batch id

i ahe mention the code below
import frappe

def get_batch_and_warehouse(item_code, qty):
print(f"Fetching batch and warehouse details for item_code: {item_code}, qty: {qty}")

batch_details = frappe.db.sql("""
        sle.batch_no AS batch_id,
        SUM(sle.actual_qty) AS batch_qty,
        `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle
        sle.item_code = %s AND sle.actual_qty > 0
        sle.batch_no, sle.warehouse
        SUM(sle.actual_qty) > 0
        sle.posting_date ASC, sle.posting_time ASC
""", (item_code,), as_dict=True)

print(f"Batch details fetched: {batch_details}")

return batch_details

please share your js file code also

frappe.ui.form.on(“Stock Entry”, {
refresh: function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.stock_entry_type === “Material Transfer”) {
frm.add_custom_button(__(‘Get Batch and Warehouse’), function() {
}, __(“Fetch Item Details”));

function fetch_item_code_list(frm) {
frm.doc.items.forEach(function(row) {
console.log(“Fetching batch and warehouse details for item:”, row.item_code , row.qty);

        method: "training.custom.material_transfer.get_batch_and_warehouse",
        args: {
            item_code: row.item_code,
            qty: row.qty
        callback: function(r) {
            console.log("Server response:", r); 

            if (!r.exc && r.message) {
                if (r.message.length > 0) {
                    let batch_detail = r.message[0]; 
                    console.log("Batch detail fetched:", batch_detail); 

                    frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype, row.name, "batch_no", batch_detail.batch_id);
                    frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype, row.name, "s_warehouse", batch_detail.warehouse);
                    frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype, row.name, "actual_qty", batch_detail.batch_qty);
                } else {
                    frappe.msgprint(__('No batch available for Item {0}', [row.item_code]));

            } else {
                frappe.msgprint(__('Failed to fetch batch and warehouse details for Item {0}', [row.item_code]));


Please check this Set Value Into Child table field - #13 by Nivedha

Hi, But you can easily get details from batch doctype, why create complexity