In the customer doctype if we want to access series number (Name) what field in the doctype to use.
Referring to the image Farmer 1 can be access by field customer_name . what is the field to access CUST-2022-00019 through docType
In the customer doctype if we want to access series number (Name) what field in the doctype to use.
Referring to the image Farmer 1 can be access by field customer_name . what is the field to access CUST-2022-00019 through docType
Hi @amsrk,
Please go to the Selling Setting and set the naming series.
Check-in below image.
pr = frappe.get_doc({
“doctype” : “Contact”, # Supplier DocType
“name” : doc.farmer_first_name,
“first_name”: doc.farmer_first_name, # Supplier Full Name
“last_name”: doc.farmer_last_name, # Supplier Type
“status”: “Passive”,
“email_ids”: email_array,
“links”: link_array
Through script I am updating the Links table in Contact doctype to update the Customer and the corresponding Customer doctype Line
I am trying to populate the links table as follows:
“link_doctype”: “Customer”,
“link_name”: prc
Not sure what to pass for the “link_name”. Both prc and prc.customer_name is returning error
I update the prc value as
prc = frappe.get_doc({“doctype” : “Customer”, “customer_name”: doc.farmer_name})
If this is done will customer_name point to the link?
Check this.
I am able to add the email and Phone details (child table ) in the contact doctype through server script. When I try to add the Links table (linking the customer andsupplier to conatct) I have issue.
Not sure value script field name to use to update link_name
*Not sure of the field name to use to update link_name (in the server script)
Hi @amsrk,
I think it will not update id (name) via update method code.
So you can manually set the name/id in the doctype.
Thank You!
In the server script of a new doctype I get the inpiut of details for Customer, Supplier and Contact (email and phone).
From the server script of the new doctype
Hope this design is ok
The error message:
When the link_name child table population is as follows:
“link_doctype”: “Customer”,
“link_title”: prc.customer_name,
“doctype”:“Dynamic Link”