Filter Fields with Type Link (Using Custom Script) in quick entry not work

filter of customer group in quick entry in customer did not work

but in edit full form it worked

and this is the script

Hi @Manal_Al-Subaei,

As per my understanding, There is no way to directly handle custom validation in the Quick Entry form. The Quick Entry form is designed for fast data entry and doesn’t provide the same level of customization as the full edit form.

Thank You!

thanks for your response
and i think the the quick entry make the mistake is more so it must be in it

I’m not suggesting you but you can also use Python events to perform custom validation on the server side. By benefitting the before_save event in a custom Python script, you can validate the data before it is saved to the database. It’s critical/long work for you/us for a small validation set for only quick entry.

okey thanks i will try it