Filtered dropdown in Link Field


I have Link field in my doctype which points to item doctye. When I click it I get a dropdown listing all items.

I need a list of items which item group is raw material,product. How can I filter that dropdown to have only item group is raw material,product.

Hi @Rahul7218 You can use a custom query to override the filter.

Hope this link helps.

First check the documentation that provided by @Manjunath_Sajjan and also check the code in below reference:

I also have this kind of problem and this is my query.
frappe.ui.form.on(‘Material Request’, {
onload: function(frm) {
// Fetch and set parent item groups in custom_item_groups field{
method: “frappe.client.get_list”,
args: {
doctype: “Item Group”,
filters: {
‘is_group’: 1,
‘parent_item_group’: null // Fetch top-level item groups
fields: [“name”]
callback: function(r) {
if (r.message) {
let parent_item_groups = =>;
console.log(“Parent item groups fetched:”, parent_item_groups);
frm.set_df_property(‘custom_item_groups’, ‘options’, parent_item_groups.join(‘\n’));
custom_item_groups: function(frm) {
console.log(“Custom item group selected:”, frm.doc.custom_item_groups);

function apply_item_code_filter(frm) {
let item_group_filter = frm.doc.custom_item_groups;
console.log(“Applying item code filter based on custom item group:”, item_group_filter);

if (item_group_filter) {
    // Fetch and filter items based on the selected parent item group{
        method: "frappe.client.get_list",
        args: {
            doctype: "Item",
            filters: {
                'item_group': item_group_filter
            fields: ["item_code", "item_name"]
        callback: function(r) {
            if (r.message) {
                let filtered_items = r.message;
                console.log("Filtered items fetched:", filtered_items);

                // Clear the existing items table

                // Add the filtered items to the items table
                filtered_items.forEach(item => {
                    let child = frm.add_child('items');
                    child.item_code = item.item_code;
                    child.item_name = item.item_name;

            } else {
                // If no items found, clear the items table
} else {
    // If no custom item group is selected, clear the items table


I have a field called Item Group all item groups should be displayed in this field. But when I click food for example. The items in the table did not filter. Can you help me with this because I’m stuck in here. Thanks