Font style is different in Pdf and Print

i create a print format for quotation when is send quotaion by mail the font style is different and when i print the quotaion and save as pdf then font style is different why?
i want that it is same in both.

Hi, the font style might look different in PDFs because it uses a tool called wkhtmltopdf to make PDFs, and it can show things differently from your browser’s print view. This happens because wkhtmltopdf uses a different way to handle fonts and styles than your browser does. If things don’t look right, you might need to adjust your design or make sure the right fonts are available for wkhtmltopdf to use.

how i make it so that in pdf print also apply same css for font style

You can start by making sure your fonts are installed on the server (let’s say .ttf files):

  1. Place all .ttf files into $HOME/.local/share/fonts/ folder
  2. run fc-cache -f -v to regenerate the font cache (you will se a line that says something like: x fonts found at $HOME/.local/share/fonts/
    good luck.

@mack check this CSS for PDF printing