[frappe-cloud] restore a v13 database into a new v14 site

I want to migrate a self-hosted v13 ERPNext without any additional apps to frappe.cloud. It looks like the oldest version there is v14 though an therefore I am looking for a way to achieve this. I have no experience with the frappe.cloud interface yet, but can handle Linux operations (which maybe is not of any use here) quite ok.

I was familiar with ERPNext but have lost a bit of the daily hands on of it as our previous ERPNext was just running silently for quite a while and did not have any practical interaction with it for quite a while.

That’s why I hope to get some help in here.

I have a database dump and the {public,privat}/files as a starting point.

Based on this Topic It almost seems it is quite possible to restore a v13 database into a v14 ERPnext Instance. So maybe this would be the most straight forward way to do this. So maybe all I need is instructions on how to do this in the frappe.cloud interface.

Any though or hints on this would be very much appreciated.

Maybe your best bet is to raise a support ticket in FC.

The FC Ops know this software inside out and might exactly know which quirks to avoid when upgrading over several major versions.

And it’s just a one-off op to get started.
Even if there are difficulties, it might then usefully allow them to solve some yet-unknown bug in order to iron out their workflow to get people on FC as smoothly as possible.
You might not be the only one to want to make this step.

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The easiest way to migrate an existing site on Frappe Cloud is to restore it from backup files.

Download backup files of your site.

You must have 3 files that should be named like the following:

20210817_125915-sitename-database.sql.gz (Database)

20210817_125915-sitename-files.tar (Public Files)

20210817_125915-sitename-private-files.tar (Private Files)

Click on New Site from the Sites tab in the Frappe Cloud Dashboard.

Fill out the subdomain and select the version.

Click on Create Site from Backup.

Now, upload each file you got in Step 2 in their corresponding upload boxes.

Select a Plan.

Click on Create Site.

When the site reaches Active state, you will now have to restore your site config’s details.



You probably can’t restore a v13 database into a v14 instance. DB structure might vary. The way I did as mentioned in this topic was by restoring v13 backup in v13 ERPNext and then running an upgrade. I had posted here for help because I ran into trouble when upgrading the first time. Later I got that error “Server has gone away”. I never had successfully restored v13 db in v14.

I suggest the following:

  1. In your current self hosted production instance (v13), upgrade ERPNext to v14. It will automatically migrate all docs and db to v14.
  2. Take backup of db and files now (v14).
  3. Switch to FC and then run a restore there. FC team will help you in that.

PS: I suggest going for v15 because v14 will soon stop receiving updates after v16 is released.