I have checked frappe_docker/example.env at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub there is no SITE_NAME or SITES ENV variables as it used to be the case. How do we set a site’s domain?
- Nginx Letsencrypt Companion needs to be setup before starting ERPNext services.
- Are domain names in
variable correct?
I saw this in the troubleshoot section but it’s still not clear to me
Thanks it has worked after the last push
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Hello @revant_one,
I try to update frequently my ERPNext install, and the last couple of days I noticed that even though I was updating as usually and everything was resulting okay, the program just after the update was announcing that there were new versions available.
So I have been searching in google and I have arrived to this thread where I noticed that the instructions I was following to update are no longer applicable.
I hope it is okay to ask in this thread, but if you prefer that begin another thread and don’t mix things in this one, please let me know.
I have a couple of questions, that I would be very grateful if you could enlighten me.
1.- The first one, is that I see that the whole instrucionts to setup the server with docker that I have followed has changed. So I was wondering what should I do in my case, that I followed old instructions to keep uptodate with everything. Do I need to start from zero again following the new instructions!?
2.- The second question is that I monitor, I think that frequently, this site discuss.frappe.io to try to keep up to date with all the work and progress that you make. And I didn’t notice any announce about this. I am searching on the search bar at the moment and can’t find any notice either about this change. So my question is if there is any other medium or channel, that I should be following to have noticed this change.
** I edit this, I have tried other search terms, and I see now there were some mentions about this before.
Many thanks and kind regards from Spain,