@chdecultot So I wanted to follow back up on this I got this working finally. You were correct. data migration run wasnt working due to Scheduler being off somehow (which all hell broke lose with pent up emails being sent) but then i would get 87 errors every 4 minutes due to the gCalendar integration which means viewing the error list doctype crashes Chrome for some reason. So big issues all around with list view, error handling in data migration and gCalendar integration. The main takeaway here is this is not ready for production. While the features mostly work, as I tested each action listed in the “features” many things are in fact broken. I have outlined as best I could in a Github issue for Frappe here: [GCalendar Integration] Critical Bugs, Error Creation. · Issue #7002 · frappe/frappe · GitHub
But the main issue is how even if you do everything right, an unbelievable amount of errors with no context are generated and I’m not sure what is to blame. Not sure if it is the Data Migration setup or specific to GCalendar and specific to Frappe Calendar. Please review the bugs on your end and see what you think.
The issue which is specific to the documentation is that you have to enable the Google Calendar API in Google Cloud project in order for it to function. While this may be a given, it is by no means obvious to anyone who hasn’t dealt with these things. And there is no instruction or error handling setup to specify this.
I did extensive testing on this feature and found it to be full of bugs and not ready for production. I have outlined a series of about 10-13 bugs that are reproducible and not fringe cases.
I can’t recommend anyone use the gCalendar integration right now. And I had to turn it off for the time being.
Its fantastic work you have done, hoping I can help test it and get support for bug fixes from the creators to make sure its ready for prime time. Let me know what else I can do to help.