Help installing frappe/erpnext V15 on Ampere A1 Compute (ARM)

Hello there,
im have an Ampere A1 Compute (ARM) Oracle Cloud Free Server and i want to install frappe / erpnext the issues is that installing via tutorials like D-Code Tutorials or Offfical Frappe Tutorials or Via Docker is not working for me and ive been searching the internet for 3 days without luck even the stuff i found regarding arm on github issues or internet didnt help me at all so please can someone guide me out on how to install frappe and erpnext version 15 in this type of server Ampere A1 Compute (ARM) Running Ubuntu 22.04 i dont mind a script or docker or anyway just please provide a method

Try this:

Most install guides do not take into account ARM architectures but this is handled in the install script. Follow the instructions in the readme to get it started and follow the on-screen prompt to provide the necessary passwords for your setup.

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I’m using the Docker image on my Raspberry Pi 4.

Any particular error while trying to install?

I have successfully installed on same VM but when i bench start it always uses my private ip.

The docker instance has the private IP? Are you forwarding the docker port to the host?

Not on docker. I installed manually on oracle instance. Here is the link to my issue…

I’ve installed on Oracle ARM a few times. I use this guide [Guide] How to install ERPNext v15 on Linux Ubuntu (step-by-step instructions)

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