Help with Jinja templating for a custom script report

I have the below template script for a custom report.

	var report_columns = report.get_columns_for_print();

<h2 class="text-center">{{ __("KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITY") }}</h2>
<h2 class="text-center">{{ __("DOMESTIC TAXES DEPARTMENT") }}</h2>
<h2 class="text-center">{{ __("TAX DEDUCTION CARD YEAR") }} {%= filters.fiscal_year %}</h2>

#Begin of lines causing errors
{% set company_tax_id = frappe.db.get_value('Company', {%= %}, ['tax_id']) %}
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employer's Name:") }} {%= %}</tr>
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employer's PIN:") }} {{ company_tax_id }}</tr>

{% set first_name, middle_name, last_name, emp_tax_id = frappe.db.get_value('Employee', {%= filters.employee %}, ['first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'tax_id']) %}
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employee's Main Name:") }} {%= first_name %}</tr>
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employee's Middle Name:") }} {%= middle_name %}</tr>
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employee's Last Name:") }} {%= last_name %}</tr>
<tr class="text-left">{{ __("Employee's PIN:") }} {%= emp_tax_id %}</tr>
#End of Lines causing errors
<table class="table-bordered table-sm table-responsive">
			{% for (let i=0, l=report_columns.length; i<l; i++) { %}
				<th class="text-right">{%= report_columns[i].label %}</th>
			{% } %}
		{% for(let j=0, k=data.length; j<k; j++) { %}
				var row = data[j];
				{% for(let i=0, l=report_columns.length; i<l; i++) { %}
					<td class="text-right">
						{% const fieldname = report_columns[i].fieldname; %}
						{% if (!is_null(row[fieldname])) { %}
							{%= frappe.format(row[fieldname], report_columns[i], {}, row) %}
						{% } %}
				{% } %}
		{% } %}
<p class="text-right text-muted">
	Printed On {%= frappe.datetime.str_to_user(frappe.datetime.get_datetime_as_string()) %}

I get the console error below, due to the lines marked with #Begin and End of lines causing errors

Uncaught TypeError: frappe.template.compile(…) is not a function
at Object.frappe.render (microtemplate.js:74)
at Object.frappe.render_template (microtemplate.js:85)
at Object.frappe.render_grid (microtemplate.js:105)
at QueryReport.print_report (query_report.js:1007)
at query_report.js:1201
at print.js:538
at frappe.ui.Dialog. (messages.js:76)
at HTMLButtonElement. (dialog.js:141)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
at HTMLButtonElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js:3)

Also the below.

If you check this link: Template Designer Documentation — Jinja Documentation (2.11.x) you’ll notice that you’re not using the right syntax.
Jinja isn’t JS, it has his own way of doing things. Ex: to define a variable, you need to use ‘set’ instead of ‘var’, the foreach can/need be use with list directly (instead of incrementing it manually), you need to close the if/for condition with {% endif %} or {% endfor %}, …
In fact, Jinja syntax looks like Python.

Hope this helps,


I will re-look at it. Thank you.

I think I might have mislabeled this to Jinja, because this code I just copied from an existing report in ERPNext and edited. It works well, until I introduce the lines below.

#Begin of lines causing errors
{% set company_tax_id = frappe.db.get_value(‘Company’, {%= %}, [‘tax_id’]) %}

{{ __("Employer's Name:") }} {%= %} {{ __("Employer's PIN:") }} {{ company_tax_id }}

{% set first_name, middle_name, last_name, emp_tax_id = frappe.db.get_value(‘Employee’, {%= filters.employee %}, [‘first_name’, ‘middle_name’, ‘last_name’, ‘tax_id’]) %}

{{ __("Employee's Main Name:") }} {%= first_name %} {{ __("Employee's Middle Name:") }} {%= middle_name %} {{ __("Employee's Last Name:") }} {%= last_name %} {{ __("Employee's PIN:") }} {%= emp_tax_id %} #End of Lines causing errors

So the looping, and var portions work just fine.

I might be confusing js/jinja as used in custom reports

@glz Although the same commands are use to render the templates in js client side and python server side
but they work differently. If you want to use jinja template use the server side rendering. JS side rendering has a limited scope.

The below link clarified the problem, and pointed to general ledger report, which is a good example of the scenario.

Eventually, I used hidden fields on the js to store required data, and displayed them as below.

{% if (filters.employee_name) { %} {%= __("Employee's Name: ")%} {%= filters.employee_name %} {% } %}

{% if (filters.employee_tax_id) { %} {%= __("Employee's PIN: ")%} {%= filters.employee_tax_id %} {% } %}