How can i hide filter by in leave application

How can i hide it for employees

Via client script, you need to write it whole, and that will hide all the left pane.

Also i suggest to leave it as it will not affect any.

@rs115199789 Thank you

This is a sample script and this script freezes the left side pane, you can use this as an example and modify to hide the left pane,

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
onload_post_render: function(frm) {
    if (window.innerWidth > 992) {
        var targetDiv = $(".col-lg-2.layout-side-section");
            position: 'fixed',
            zIndex: '1020',
            width: '14%'

            marginLeft: "16.70%"
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@rs115199789 let me try Rahul

@rs115199789 its working but not as i expected its hiding profile pic of emplyee also

You need to check the css and elements carefully.

rest i’m glad it’s working

thanks rahul @rs115199789
can i get your linkdin profile

how could we make it to apply on all doctypes everywhere in the system?


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@NCP thank you uuu