How can retrieve attendance log from a bio metric attendance device (biomax k21 pro or x990) using php. Only have to get the data attendance from a bio metric device (biomax k21 pro or x990) . Is it possible . If “yes” kindly help with useful link.
OR any other program which can help me to retrieve the attendance entry and send to mysql data base
I am not sure about the biometric device and its specifics. But storing records directly into the DB will be last resort only if the API could not work.
I have application that i make and write in PHP Language and MYSQL as database can connect to attendance machine and use the cloud feature in the machine to get attendance data in realtime. With realtime you dont need operator to pull data in weekly period or monthly period. All data can pulled automatically and save into your server in database. So you can saving your time and maybe your money just to pull attendance data in periodically. If you interest with my application that i have made, you can call me at +6281348021778 with WA available.