How load JavaScript code in All Doctype

I need to load JavaScript code in all doctyps to do some validation.
I try this but it is not working.

frappe.ui.form.on('*', 'onload', function(frm) {
    if (frappe.meta.has_field(frm.doctype, "company")) {
	frm.fields_dict['company'].get_query = function(doc) {
	return {
		filters: {
			"company": 'test company'

Do you have a custom app available? If so, you can add your script there and have it linked into any document by adding


app_include_js = [

place your script file in yourapp/public/js/yourscript.js

add to yourapp/public/build.json

    "js/yourscript.js": [

If you are looking for a reference, you can look into erpnextswiss/build.json at master Ā· libracore/erpnextswiss Ā· GitHub

The base code of your script is executed when the document is loaded. You can make use to the jQuery document ready function to be sure the form is available and then apply your filter.

Hope this helpsā€¦


@lasalesi thanks for your fast reply.
I now already what did you say.

I need help with this :

The base code of your script is executed when the document is loaded. You can make use to the jQuery document ready function to be sure the form is available and then apply your filter.

Could you give some example?

In your code, include something like (ref. jQuery ready() Method)

  if (frappe.meta.has_field(cur_frm.doctype, "company")) {
    cur_frm.fields_dict['company'].get_query = function(doc) {
      return {
	filters: {
		"company": 'test company'

@lasalesi Is this code will work only in the first doctype or all of them?

If you load the js globally, it will execute every time (add a console.log(ā€œā€¦ā€) to make sure it does). Then, it should be executed on every doctype, and once the form is loaded your function applied. Have a try and let us know if it works as expectedā€¦

This script will be executed every time, but how we can make this script will executed only after opening doctype? Is the correct trigger, what is @Mohammed_Redha write in the topic?(frappe.ui.form.on(ā€˜*ā€™, ā€˜onloadā€™, function(frm) )

I am using this :slight_smile:

// the following two handles will watch the page changes everywhere
$(window).on('hashchange', page_changed);
$(window).on('load', page_changed);

function page_changed(event) {
    // waiting for page to load completely
    frappe.after_ajax(function () {
        var route = frappe.get_route();

        if (route[0] == "Form") {
            frappe.ui.form.on(route[1], {
                refresh: function (frm) {
                    console.log("doctype =" + frm.doctype);


Can i ask you whatā€™s the use for the build.json file? Iā€™m doing the exact same thing without it and itā€™s working.

The build.json file will allow to build combined js files. This will take one or more of your specified js files and build them into a /asset js file. You can also directly load js, this might get a bit messy in case you have more and more contentā€¦

If you want to load java script throughout create JS file in public folder of your app mention the path in build.json try to build you can access code in any js file now for debugging you can try on your browser console as well

you can add your script there and have it linked into any document by adding

By adding this
<script src=""></script>

We want this timeline to appear in a new tab section of a doctype.
Can you please help us?

frappe.router.on(ā€œchangeā€, page_changed) use thisā€¦
instead of
$(window).on(ā€˜hashchangeā€™, page_changed);
$(window).on(ā€˜loadā€™, page_changed);

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To run something on all DocTypes, I listen on the frm-refresh event which provides the frm variable, like this:

$(document).on("form-refresh", function (event, frm) {
    frappe.ui.form.on(frm.doctype, {
        refresh: function (frm) {
            // Your logic here.

Note: You may want to set a custom variable to ensure that the function doesnā€™t run more than once.