How to add accouting app/module?

Again install app erpnext in your site

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sorry… I am new with erpnext… how do I install erpnext in my site?

bench --site sitename install-app erpnext

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bench --site install-app erpnext

Installing erpnext…
An error occurred while installing erpnext: ERPNext can only be installed on a fresh site where the setup wizard is not completed.
You can reinstall this site (after saving your data) using: bench --site [sitename] reinstall
Traceback with variables (most recent call last):

?! this is an clean-install of Frappe/Nexterp…

try this
bench --site [sitename] reinstall

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erpnext@erpnext:~/frappe-bench$ bench --site reinstall
This will wipe your database. Are you sure you want to reinstall? [y/N]: y
MySQL root password:
Warning: MariaDB version [‘10.11’, ‘8’] is more than 10.8 which is not yet tested with Frappe Framework.

Installing frappe…
Updating DocTypes for frappe : [========================================] 100%
Set Administrator password:
Re-enter Administrator password:
Updating Dashboard for frappe
App frappe already installed
*** Scheduler is enabled ***

still the same:


create new site using bench new-site and try to install erpnext

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what is the command for this?

erpnext@erpnext:~/frappe-bench$ bench new-site
Site already exists

should i remove this site somehow first?

bench drop-site sitename --force

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bench drop-site --force
bench new-site
bench --site install-app erpnext

bench setup production erpnext
bench --site set-maintenance-mode off
sudo bench setup production erpnext

and now i got it, THANKS!


one more…

if i would like to add the webshop app… how should I do it?

Just download the latest app like this?
bench get-app --branch version-15 GitHub - frappe/webshop: Open Source eCommerce Platform


ref: Set Up E-commerce (