How to add gantt chart in custom doctype

i need gantt view in my custom doc to i do that

Hi @Mohamed2335,

We added the Gantt view in the project doctype.

That for, please apply the client script for the listview.
Please check the syntax.

frappe.views.calendar["Project"] = {
	field_map: {
		"start": "expected_start_date",
		"end": "expected_end_date",
		"id": "name",
		"title": "project_name",
		"allDay": "allDay",
		"progress": "progress"
	gantt: true,
	filters: [
			"fieldtype": "Link",
			"fieldname": "name",
			"options": "Project",
			"label": __("Project")
	get_events_method: "frappe.desk.calendar.get_events"


I hope this helps.

Thank You!


Thanks sir, i need gantt chart for find same project list how i add that,
its works buts so error how to clear

Because expected_start_date, expected_end_date, and project_name field is available or not, in the Labour allocation doctype.

Please check the field name and set it accordingly.

Thank You!

this is my page sir, i need employee and project detail in gantt view

this code is correct?
frappe.views.calendar[“Labour Allocation”] = {
field_map: {
“start”: “from_time”,
“end”: “to_time”,
“id”: “name”,
“title”: “project”,
“allDay”: “allDay”,
“progress”: “progress”
gantt: true,
filters: [
“fieldtype”: “table”,
“fieldname”: “project_details”,
“options”: “labour_allocation_details”,
“label”: __(“project details”)
get_events_method: “frappe.desk.calendar.get_events”

Hi @Mohamed2335,

Please try it.

frappe.views.calendar["Labour Allocation"] = {
	field_map: {
		"start": "start_date",
		"end": "end_date",
		"id": "name",
		"title": "parent_project",
		"allDay": "allDay",
		"progress": "progress"
	gantt: true,
	get_events_method: "frappe.desk.calendar.get_events"

I haven’t too much idea about the Gantt chart.


I hope this helps.

Thank You!

thank you


get_events_method is the key … this method provides data to show in gantt or calendar view. If you don’t specify it, just can access to parent doctype fields, not child table fields.

So … you need to create a method and use it in _calendar.js file, to get the data from database and render it on view.

Something like this … (note that field names could be different).

def get_events(

	return frappe.db.sql(
		"""select from time as start_date, to_time as end_date, title from`tabLabour Allocation Details' ,

Take a look here:

Hope this helps.

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sir, can i add in client script orr server script

No, not possible as far I know.