How to add more options in Submit Feedback of Interview?

As shown in the image i want to add more Result options in the Interview Submit Feedback options.

Thank You

Please go to edit doctype of Interview feedback and update the options.

Not working

Try Customize Form and update. I am able to able to update the option.

it’s not working from my side, can you show me yours ?

Thank You

Do you have all access to the doctype.

If yes then use the option of Customize Form. From Customize form you can update options.

Yes i have all the rights

Please check the reference:

Hi, @NCP

So i need to add this in the ?

 fixtures = [{"doctype": "Property Setter"}]

and also i’m not using any custom app it’s the interview doctype.
if yes please share the path.

Thank You

Without a custom app, it is not possible to export the property setter.

I wanted to make/add option in the interview feedback as there is only 2 options.

Check that dialog box code and remove it.

If you want to remove the option from the doctype then you have to use the property setter and that i already provide the reference in the above post. so please carefully read the thread.

I understand , and that’s why i mentioned it’s not a custom app, also when i go to form cuztomize, and then doctype- interview feedback > results (there if i try to remove or add options it wont lt me do)

Thank You

There are many posts about this topic in the forum, so please take a look. To add or remove an option from the property setter, you don’t need a custom app. However, if you want to export the property setter, then you will need a custom app. In the provided references, I added an option for ‘lead’ using the property setter and showed how to get the output.

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Check the recently added post.

Not working will see other references, Thanks