How to add non_profit app to docker setup

I’ll not be able to explain you. May be someone else can help.

in brief

  • CI Runner builds the image
  • CI runner push to your private registry
  • Use it anywhere from your registry
  • CI runners have ReST API based triggers to start this build and push process
  • CI runners can take inputs from the rest api request and customise your build
  • For custom cases, use your own files
  • For most cases, kaniko can be used. it can use git repo as context instead of local clone and copy, only dynamic change here is your apps.json which can be passed as env var.

@JRU said “makes sense” here. Can you help? If you’ve tried image building and it makes sense then can you help in clearing the confusion here?

Telegram Bot can build images.


I am not deep enough into the topic myself to add much here.
But I found the process of building the custom Image pretty straight forward.
My steps where:

  • git clone
  • cd frappe_docker
  • export APPS_JSON_BASE64=$(base64 -w 0 ~/my_custom_frappe/apps.json)
  • cp images/custom/Containerfile Dockerfile
  • docker build . --build-arg=FRAPPE_PATH= --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-14 --build-arg=PYTHON_VERSION=3.10.5 --build-arg=NODE_VERSION=16.18.0 --build-arg=APPS_JSON_BASE64=$APPS_JSON_BASE64 --tag=my_custom_frappe_tag


Maybe a good question to ask would be how would your changes affect this Process?
What would be the new Process what advantages would it bring?

Hope this helps a little bit.

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Also I wanted to add, I am not using compose here which builds on top of the image.
So for this Additional step I can not speak, but I would say the same questions apply.
What is the current Process and what would change?

Thankyou both for your replies. I now have a volunteer who knows a lot more about Docker, and will no doubt teach me how to use it properly. Things may start to make more sense to me after that!