How to display all User on field type link that connect to User Doctype (Core module)?

If i add new User, that user type default is Website User.
And if i try to make doctype with field link that connect to User Doctype (Core module), all user that type is Website User is not listed especially new users.

How to display all User on field type link that connect to User Doctype (Core module)?

This is all my user

On field link, only shown System User, i want show all user

Fixed by this post

after removing some code like this
user_type_condition = “and user_type != ‘Website User’”

Thank you its work too

Always better not altering the core codes. Always hook into the code or override default functionality from your custom app.

Okeyy thanks for your suggestion.
Do you think it’s better to create a client script in the dashboard, or change it directly by hard coding it in the <doctype_name>.js in the source code?

If you have a custom app it would be better to add it in the .js file(using hooks if its a standard doctype) so that its easier to move around different instances.
If its in the Desk itself then you might need to export the Client Script as fixtures which I wouldn’t recommend.

How about link field inside the table (child doctype)

I have User Surat Tugas doctype as a child doctype and Surat Tugas
this is my code inside surat_tugas.js

frappe.ui.form.on("User Surat Tugas", {
	onload: function (frm) {
		frm.set_query("user_email", function () {
			return {
				filters: {
					"ignore_user_type": 1

but it doesnt work

Fixed by this

frappe.ui.form.on("Surat Tugas", {
	onload: function (frm) {
		frm.fields_dict['karyawan'].grid.get_field('user_email').get_query = function (doc, cdt, cdn) {
			return {
				filters: {
					'ignore_user_type': 1

Thank you