How to edit predefined fields in forms

I want to delete or modify some fields already present in a form, which I am not able to modify or delete. I am also finding it difficult to become a developer user, so that I can edit field names. Is it possible to delete some fields that are already present?

Hi @Dishant_Shah,

Please check it.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Thank you sir, it helped a lot. I am trying to enable the developer mode but I am unable to follow the last step of this guide as the path (Desk → User dropdown list → Set Desktop Icons → check “Developer”) does not exist in the current versions of erpnext it seems. Can you please let me know if I am missing something? I am using version 14.

It’s not available in the new version.

Developer Mode command:

bench --site [sitename] set-config developer_mode 1
bench --site [sitename] clear-cache
bench --site [sitename] clear-website-cache
bench --site [sitename] migrate

Then reload and check it.

Thank You!

Hello sir. I tried following the steps you mentioned but I am still not able to perform any developer functions like editing field names. Any way to check if the developer mode is enabled? I performed all the commands in the frappe-bench directory.

I read that adding developer = 1 in the site_config.json file should also work but that did not work either.