How to fetch Standard Buying price from Price List

I want to add a field on the Item DocType form to show the Standard Buying price from the Price List.

Can anyone suggest why standard fetching does not show the price? I think this probably needs to be done with a Client Script to lookup the price_list_rate from the Item Price table and write this to the custom field added to the Item DocType.

Even more confusing is that the Price List can contain more than 1 price for an item, so doesn’t this data need to be attached to the Item form as a child table field?

I would love an explanation of how the Price List system works as it appears that the DocTypes have a more complex relationship than usual.

Thank you very much.

Hi @pstary,

As per your scenario, we configure and set the script. So please check it.

Item Buying Price (Standard Buying):

Here, I added a custom button in Item Doctype. When you click on the Show Item Price button then will show the dialog box which you want.


Please go to the Client script doctype and Select the Item Doctype.


frappe.ui.form.on('Item', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button(__('Show Item Buying Price'), function() {
        }, __("View"));

function get_buying_price(frm){
    buying_price = frappe.db.get_list('Item Price', {
        fields: ['item_code', 'price_list', 'price_list_rate', 'valid_from', 'valid_upto'],
        filters: [
            ["Item Price", "buying", "=", 1], 
            ["Item Price", 'item_code', "=", frm.doc.item_code],
            ["Item Price", 'price_list', "=", "Standard Buying"]
        as_list: 1
    }).then(function(val) {
        let data = frappe.utils.dict(["item_code", "price_list", "price_list_rate", "valid_from", "valid_upto"], val);
        const table_fields = [
                label: 'Item Code',
                fieldname: 'item_code',
                fieldtype: 'Link',
                options: 'Item',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Price List',
                fieldname: 'price_list',
                fieldtype: 'Link',
                options: 'Price List',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Price List Rate',
                fieldname: 'price_list_rate',
                fieldtype: 'Currency',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Valid From',
                fieldname: 'valid_from',
                fieldtype: 'Date',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Valid Upto',
                fieldname: 'valid_upto',
                fieldtype: 'Date',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
        let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
            title: 'Item Buying Price: ' + frm.doc.item_code,
            size: "large",
            fields: [
                    label: 'Items',
                    fieldname: 'items_buying_price',
                    fieldtype: 'Table',
                    fields: table_fields,
                    options: 'Item',
                    cannot_add_rows: 1,
                    cannot_delete_rows : 1,
                    data: data
            primary_action_label: 'Close',
            primary_action(values) {

I hope this helps.

Thank You!


Your solution is awesome! Thank you so much and it works perfectly.

I have learned a lot from following your code and trying to modify it to take this solution just one step further but cannot find the answer.

I would like to click on one of the Price List rows in the dialog and insert that row’s price_list_rate data into a custom field named, “Current Cost” on my Item form.

Thank you.

Hi @pstary,

That for check it and apply it.


frappe.ui.form.on('Item', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button(__('Show Item Buying Price'), function() {
        }, __("View"));

function get_buying_price(frm) {
    frappe.db.get_list('Item Price', {
        fields: ['item_code', 'price_list', 'price_list_rate', 'valid_from', 'valid_upto'],
        filters: [
            ["Item Price", "buying", "=", 1], 
            ["Item Price", 'item_code', "=", frm.doc.item_code],
            ["Item Price", 'price_list', "=", "Standard Buying"]
        as_list: 1
    }).then(function(val) {
        let data = frappe.utils.dict(["item_code", "price_list", "price_list_rate", "valid_from", "valid_upto"], val);

        const table_fields = [
                label: 'Item Code',
                fieldname: 'item_code',
                fieldtype: 'Link',
                options: 'Item',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Price List',
                fieldname: 'price_list',
                fieldtype: 'Link',
                options: 'Price List',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Price List Rate',
                fieldname: 'price_list_rate',
                fieldtype: 'Currency',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Valid From',
                fieldname: 'valid_from',
                fieldtype: 'Date',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1
                label: 'Valid Upto',
                fieldname: 'valid_upto',
                fieldtype: 'Date',
                in_list_view: 1,
                read_only: 1

        let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
            title: 'Item Buying Price: ' + frm.doc.item_code,
            size: "large",
            fields: [
                    label: 'Items',
                    fieldname: 'items_buying_price',
                    fieldtype: 'Table',
                    fields: table_fields,
                    options: 'Item',
                    cannot_add_rows: 1,
                    cannot_delete_rows: 1,
                    data: data
            primary_action_label: 'Submit',
            primary_action(values) {
                var val_buy = values.items_buying_price;
                var checkedCount = 0;
                var checkedRowIndex = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < val_buy.length; i++) {
                    if (val_buy[i].__checked === 1) {
                        checkedRowIndex = i;
                if (checkedCount > 1) {
                    frappe.throw(__("At a time, you can select only one row."));
                    frappe.validated = false;
                } else if (checkedCount === 1) {
                    frm.set_value('current_cost', val_buy[checkedRowIndex].price_list_rate);

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Thank you again! Everything works exactly as I requested.

The code is more complex than I expected but you trapped out multi-selection with an error dialog which is more elegant and I learned even more from your most appreciated response.

Thank you again.