Hi @pstary,
As per your scenario, we configure and set the script. So please check it.
Item Buying Price (Standard Buying):
Here, I added a custom button in Item Doctype. When you click on the Show Item Price button then will show the dialog box which you want.
Please go to the Client script doctype and Select the Item Doctype.
frappe.ui.form.on('Item', {
refresh: function(frm) {
frm.add_custom_button(__('Show Item Buying Price'), function() {
}, __("View"));
function get_buying_price(frm){
buying_price = frappe.db.get_list('Item Price', {
fields: ['item_code', 'price_list', 'price_list_rate', 'valid_from', 'valid_upto'],
filters: [
["Item Price", "buying", "=", 1],
["Item Price", 'item_code', "=", frm.doc.item_code],
["Item Price", 'price_list', "=", "Standard Buying"]
as_list: 1
}).then(function(val) {
let data = frappe.utils.dict(["item_code", "price_list", "price_list_rate", "valid_from", "valid_upto"], val);
const table_fields = [
label: 'Item Code',
fieldname: 'item_code',
fieldtype: 'Link',
options: 'Item',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1
label: 'Price List',
fieldname: 'price_list',
fieldtype: 'Link',
options: 'Price List',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1
label: 'Price List Rate',
fieldname: 'price_list_rate',
fieldtype: 'Currency',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1
label: 'Valid From',
fieldname: 'valid_from',
fieldtype: 'Date',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1
label: 'Valid Upto',
fieldname: 'valid_upto',
fieldtype: 'Date',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1
let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: 'Item Buying Price: ' + frm.doc.item_code,
size: "large",
fields: [
label: 'Items',
fieldname: 'items_buying_price',
fieldtype: 'Table',
fields: table_fields,
options: 'Item',
cannot_add_rows: 1,
cannot_delete_rows : 1,
data: data
primary_action_label: 'Close',
primary_action(values) {
I hope this helps.
Thank You!