Hi ,
Could anyone please tell me how to generate a QR code in frappe ?
Hi ,
Could anyone please tell me how to generate a QR code in frappe ?
@Muthu QR code generation is not a built-in feature.
You can generate QR code via PyQRCode PyQRCode · PyPI
You can integrate QRCode Library with Frappe. I have done it for a URL Shortener and you can see on GitHub - pibico/pibicut: Frappe/ERPNext URL Shortener with QR Code Generator
I have the same issue
it’s ok with generating the QRcode but how can I save it to the HTML field because it required an src for the path of the generated image
how can I save the QR code that just created it?
I need something like doc.save_attachment and its returns the full path of the generated QRcode image
if you know how to solve it please help me
How to generate it in “Employee” Doctype using code