I have two Datetime fields and one Duration type field.
What I want is to calculate the difference between these two date fields in D, H, m, s using the client script (Javascript)
For example I have these two dates which are already have them
let d1 = "08-05-2022 14:00:25"
let d2 = "09-05-2022 15:10:35"
The difference duration should be as shown in the photo below:
Is there a specific method in the frappe framework to do it?
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frappe.utils.date_diff Try this
are there arguments in this function?
TypeError: frappe.utils.date_diff is not a function
I could get the day and the hour diff using these two functions but how to get the minutes?
let d1 = "2022-05-19 15:03:12"
let d2 = "2022-05-20 15:13:12"
Hi @Mohsin1990
Use date_diff, and convert the difference to minutes
hi @zulfi007
Bear in mind that conditions are in Python and only the restricted Python API
Use frappe.utils.date_diff(doc.delivery_date, nowdate()) > 0
@Mohsin1990 multiply it by 60
May 20, 2022, 6:19am
//get new date given a date, and a duration
let exp_end_time = moment(exp_start_date).add(row.expected_installation_duration, 'seconds');
//calculate new duration, based on two dates
let time_diff_in_seconds = moment(row.actual_end_time).diff(row.actual_start_time, 'seconds', true);
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, 'actual_installation_duration', time_diff_in_seconds);
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There is no function named date_diff, I think you mean get_diff
but it just returns the same as the get_day_diff
let d1 = "2022-05-19 15:03:12"
let d2 = "2022-05-20 15:13:12"
Hi @Mohsin1990
frappe.utils.date_diff() is a Python method, so you can’t use it in the front-end with JS.
But you can use (moment(d2) - moment(d1))/1000/60 → 1450 minutes
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Thank you brother this is the function I want it
let d1 = "2022-05-29 15:33:42"
let d2 = "2022-05-19 15:03:12"
let days = moment(d1).diff(d2, 'days', true);
let hours = moment(d1).diff(d2, 'hours', true);
let minutes = moment(d1).diff(d2, 'minutes', true);
let seconds = moment(d1).diff(d2, 'seconds', true);