How to make the status is display on the top with name?

How to make the status is display in green box at top with name.

Early I worked with workflow state and action. While changing the action. Status will show.

But now I don’t have action. Status is only one I have. I want to show the status at top and the list view.

Is it possible?


Erpnext - 14
frappe - 14


Please try following Client Script:

frappe.ui.form.on('Prospect', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        // Move status field near the title
        let title_field = frm.fields_dict['title'];
        let status_field = frm.fields_dict['status'];
        // Ensure both fields exist
        if(title_field && status_field) {
            // Create a custom HTML field near the title to display the status
            let status_html = `
                <div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
                    <div style="margin-right: 10px;">
                        <span class="status-indicator">${frm.doc.status}</span>
            // Replace the title field with the custom HTML


Divyesh Mangroliya

If field name is status then you can set it without the client script.

Please check it.


Thankyou for your response, @mangroliya ,

It’s changing the value on the field that is created,
I want to add the HTML near the title.


represent the fields HTML in from.

Thankyou for your response @NCP,

I tried the document state where you mentioned. And,

It’s custom field, In 14 latest version, when we create a field it add custom infront of it.

I think so why it is not worked.

The field name should be status instead of the custom_status.

So go to the custom field doctype and rename it.

rename field reference (It’s also worked in v14):

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Thank you for your reply,

I tried to change the name, the status on above is showing. But After I got error on control js, So, the form is unable to render

Tested in lasted v14, worked properly. please check it.

Thank you @NCP
I will update to the Latest version.

I updated the version. Still i am facing the same issue on control.js from is not rendering

please check, if any client script is applied or not. if applied then remove/comment on it.

No client script was added, Just now I did a bench update, so I stashed all the changes on apps.